Tuesday, September 27, 2011


This summer, I lived at Caltech in Pasadena for an internship.
わたしはNASAのJet Propulsion Laboratoryのかいしゃいんでした。


The best part of California was probably the food and weather. I didn't own an umbrella, and I've been told it rained twice while I was there. Of course, with as little water as there was, the sprinklers were on all night, every night, for every patch of grass. As for the food, it was really just in しょうとうきょう (Little Tokyo) and Chinatown that the food was great. 大黒家 (Daikokuya) has the best Japanese food I've ever had. The ラーメン (ramen) with チャーシュー(sliced pork) was the best I'd ever eaten. IPPUDO NY in downtown Manhattan is at a very close (more expensive) second place though. Additionally, there were very cool stores, and in one I met Nicolas Cage (an anime store). I also went to Lancaster, which according to Youtube is best known for its fights... Lockheed Martin's decommissioned jets and planes were on display around there.



  1. わたしはPasadenaへいきませんでした。 San Franciscoへいきました。 They also have an amazing J-town. 

  2. すごい! How did you get that internship? まいにちはたらきましたか。 

    I have been to the same ひこうき gallery (or whatever it is) because I used to live in Lancaster, which is as sketchy as they say. Did you go to any festivals in Little Tokyo? The たなばた festival is awesome!

  3. うらやましいです!らいしゅう、わたしはいっぷどへ行きたいです。Any recommendations?

  4. @Nora - I actually was at San Francisco also that summer, didn't have a chance to see J-town though. Chinatown was underwhelming there compared to LA though, and it was just overall much gloomier.

    @Akiko - This summer げつようびからきにょうびまでにはたらきました。During the semester, I usually work a lot too. :P

    I haven't been to any festivals, didn't know about them. :(

    Lancaster was actually really cool though, it was my first time in a desert. I remember when I went to Magic Mountain, there were 6 lanes on the highway and 3 went to the desert. I still don't understand why they need 3 lanes going into the desert.

    @Carlos - It's funny you mentioned that! こんばんいっぷどへいきました。I recommend the Akamaru Modern with かくに (pork stuff!), it ends up costing like $19, but it's soooooo good. Also, because the wait is ~1 hour, keep in mind you can go to the bar and order appetizers, I highly recommend the pork buns!

  5. OH MY GOD! I can't believe you met Nicholas Cage! Is his forehead really that large in person too? Haha I also think it's cool they have a しょうとうきょう. I wonder if that exists in New York too...

  6. こんいちわ。けんきゅうしゃでしたか。What did you do in your internship?

  7. わたしは カリフォルニアの los angeles から きました。 I actually live 5 minutes away from JPL, hahah, でも ノトルダム だいがくに いきます。

  8. こんばんは。わたしは カリフォルニアに いきました。We almost stopped at CalTech because I'm planning on applying to grad school there at some point. It's really cool that you got to do that internship (and meet Nicolas Cage).
